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My design is constantly informed by the study and appreciation of nature.
My affinity for the understated and the concise inspires me to make objects that are calm, nuanced and intimate. I am interested in natural cycles, how tidal waters leave patterns, decay and reform both landscape and man-made structures. I am excited by the delicate, mutable transience of nature, the sound, colour, susurration and decay. Beauty that is impermanent, asymmetric, incomplete or in the process of change. Through my work I want to express these sensations.

Nature observed, transformed and celebrated

In the Girasol Light it was important that the spiral forms of the piercing and the translucency of the porcelain began to dissolve away the form.

The fragments of 18th and 19th century decorated pottery I collected along the banks of the Thames have initiated a series of tea bowls. Imagined reconstructions of the Georgian vessels transformed and remade by the tidal waters, the swirling and continuous movement of the great river.

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